Hiring is hard. I’ve been doing it for the last 15 years here in the US. I’ve hired in three different states for a wide range of positions, all in different corners of the country. It never gets easier, because things are always changing. Questions like what economic cycle we are in, what has inflation done, what employees’ expectations are in the current climate are only some of the things to consider. There are a lot of factors for a successful hiring a virtual assistant process.
Who remembers the “Two Year Gap” you saw on most resumes when you were hiring in 2012? Those were the people who got on unemployment in 2009 when the markets crashed and stayed on it until they were kicked off. Not the ideal virtual assistant for hire pool for small businesses that are agile, innovative, and need good employees.
With the mandatory isolation orders of Covid-19 in March 2020, a new batch of very high unemployment began.
With the addition of extra benefit pay, it will be hard for it to come down. I know there are other factors, as whole industries have been decimated, but some companies have hired back as they could reopen. It doesn’t change there will be a certain % that stay on unemployment as long as they can. This will be the new “Two Year Gap” group that businesses start seeing on resumes.
I’ve started hiring a virtual assistant internationally, for online work, since 2018.
I’ve hired in the Philippines and in eastern Europe. I don’t say this lightly – It’s been a saving grace. Successfully hiring inexpensive, trained, quality people, where location isn’t an issue, has been the most helpful thing we’ve done in the businesses I’ve run. We’ve been able to shore up our basic, repetitive operations tasks with a small team of virtual assistant for hire services that brought in much more value than the costs associated with employing them. It has freed up our core local employees to innovate our core business functions to trim the fat as well as grow our revenue. Not to mention saving on time on HR, paying benefits, or paying matching taxes.
This is why I’ve started the Peak Solutions Team business. I am passionate about connecting small US-based businesses with these incredible and low-cost online workers. Let me help you get started, and relieve some of the big headaches of hiring a virtual assistant. You can even find remote jobs hiring immediately to add flexibility to your business needs.
Click here to get started.